Sunday, November 22, 2009

Review: Jumbo Fan Brush

I've been looking for a jumbo fan brush for some time now, and, I just couldn't find anyone who sold it, without coming in a whole set.

Then yesterday, I was in Landmark, whilst looking for a small comb before I went to go see NEW MOON!- (make sure you reserve your seats before going it pays off not waiting in that huge line). I just happend to walk past a misplaced jumbo fan brush, out of its section.

I had to grab it! It was Php 180.00 and plus it looked so lonely out of place hehe.

Anyway, this morning I got to try it out, after cleaning it and what not.

I used it to apply my bronzer and blush. It looks really natural and easy to apply, for me anyway its much easier for me to apply, because it doesn't pick up too much product, just enough so I don't look like a clown.

The brush 18.5 cm long, from the tallest hair of the brush to the tip of the handle. The actual brush is approximately 10cm wide, so It has alot of coverage and is perfect to quicky apply your blush, bronzer or illuminizer.

The hairs are very soft, not itchy or scratchy which is always a good plus.

- Available locally
- Makes it easy to apply blush, bronzer & illuminizer

-  Hairs are very soft
- Affordable

- Not easy to come by this brush

Overall :

I really love this brush, and I hope this brush will last me a long time, because I think I will be using this on a more regular basis from now on. This is not an essential brush for any kikays on a budget, but nonetheless, it is a really nice addition to the collection.


  1. i see fan brushes in elianto corners. :)

    but it's probably smaller than that, :D

    nice one though...
    is that a jill brush? i got an eyeshadow brush with the same handle :D

  2. yeh i went to elianto just couldnt find the jumbo one...hmmz...
    a jill brush never heared of them? But im interested na heeh... where to do u find them ...

    I guess its a landmark no brander brush ...

  3. it's found in Greenbelt :P

    in 'First Aid' i think... they have a make up corner. :D

    maybe jill brushes and no brand landmark brushes have the same supplier :D


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